Marine And Offshore Insight: 10 Important Things To Take Note Before Commencement & Execution Of Cargo Operations In Tanker


Sunday, July 17, 2016

10 Important Things To Take Note Before Commencement & Execution Of Cargo Operations In Tanker

LNG Tanker ship
It’s agreed that in chemical and oil tankers, there are numerous hazards involved. Therefore it’s very important to exercise good safety precautions during all kinds of cargo  operations.  On this article , we are going to look into ten important things you need to do, in other to have a safe and splendid cargo operation ( Loading or discharging).

Firstly , before commencement of loading or discharging , you must make sure that all valve settings and lines on all tanks has been checked one more time, to avoid failure or  leakages.   If in case of loading, the officer in charge must make sure that he or she certified  with the cargo system readiness and all the information of the cargo has been received.  In addition, the 10 precautions listed below should be observe in other to guide you more :

1.    Make sure that the grade & quantity of the cargo to be receive has been agreed with the other party.

2.    Take note of the loading rate and agree with the other party on the what rate to start or stop with.

3.    It’s important that all ship crews who are involve on the loading operation, must be ready before commencement.

4.    Check for your company loading or discharge safety checklist, complete them as required.
5.   It’s also important to check your tank low and high level alarms and make sure they are in operational.

6.       Make sure maintain the cargo log i.e ( time & date of each event).

7.    In each tanks, you must maintain ullage space to allow for heating cargo as required by the shipper.

8.  The officer on duty must make sure that tanks that are topped off are properly isolated from other tank.

9.  In about 90% of the loading operation, the officer on duty must notify the other party  to reduce rate , to enable you stabilize the cargo or maintain other requirements.

10. In every loading operation, an experienced deck officer must be on watch , to monitor and make sure the operation was successful and safe.

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