1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS : Since ship is not just a working place but also a floating object, in other to bring your family onboard, you must make sure they understand the mean reason why they should follow all ship safety precautions, while you need to take time to explain them one by one.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
5 important things seafarers must consider before bringing their wife onboard.
1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS : Since ship is not just a working place but also a floating object, in other to bring your family onboard, you must make sure they understand the mean reason why they should follow all ship safety precautions, while you need to take time to explain them one by one.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
What is the difference between purifier and clarifier?
Difference between,
Engr Emma,
Crewing Motorman on General Cargo
Crew Agency Akkerman Required Motorman on General Cargo
Contract duration :
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Address : Mayakovsrogo 15 . Off. 5 Belgorod-Dnestrovskiy, Odessa reg.
Send your Application / CV to : akkerman20061@rambler.ru
Mobile phone number : +38(097)2146636
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
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Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Know more about What STCW stands for and who needs it?
STCW stands for Standard Training Certification and Watching. It is a worldwide Maritime convention that ensures a lateral standard of training is achieved across all countries in the world. Let's take for instance you're chief engineer from Africa, Europe, Asia or America, you will have to undergo similar training in accordance with the STCW convention.
Documents required to become a seafarer or mariner
At the very minimum, you will need to obtain STCW Basic Courses in order to apply to work on a ship. These courses can usually be completed within a week or more - during one block booking - at a designated STCW training centre. Check your country's Maritime board.
Who needs STCW?
STCW are obtainable for anyone wishing to work on commercial vessels that are over 24 metres long. You will have to obtain STCW qualifications/courses before they seek employment. The type of courses/qualifications you'll need will greatly depend on the position you're applying for and the post you'll be assigned to once you're on-board ship.
For Certificate of Competency ( COC) course and where to get it
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Unique Problem Experienced on Man B&W Engine - Marine engineers
This article will mainly benefited by the marine engineers onboard. These are Unique experience gained from an engineer onboard, which may likely happen to anyone too.
This happened on MAM B&W 7S80MC, BHP:31920, Engine on nav full rpm 72. All of a sudden unit #1 stopped firing, exhaust temperature came down, temperature deviation increased engine slowed down.
At slow rpm still unit #1 was not firing. After some time stopped engine and again started, it became normal up to 72 rpm. All parameters including FO temperature & pressure was normal.
Few hours later again same problem happed, had to stop engine. Unit #1 fuel injectors replaced, fuel pump & VIT function checked, mixing column vent & drain checked, f.o. heater checked for any water presence but all found normal.
Engine started again & rpm maintained 60 and found normal. In this condition vsl crossed Gibraltar strait. After 3-4 hrs when vsl at open area in Atlantic, same problem came unit #1 stopped firing.
Engine stopped. Decided to check all units fuel valve, started from no.7, found normal, #6 found normal, when No.5 (Aft) injector lifted, body came up with broken edge and broken part with nozzle remain seized in the pocket. Some how managed to remove the broken part & new injector put in place and the problem solved.
Actually from #5 exhaust gas was entering to fuel oil return system through the cracked injector head and unit #1 was affecting first due gas lock inside the fuel pump.
Reference : Abdullah (chief Engineer)
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